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Call for Proposals: Humanitarian Assistance projects 2025

We would like to encourage local organizations and local actors in Iraq to submit their project proposals under the scheme of Humanitarian Assistance of the Czech Republic for year 2025. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic announced new round of submitting project proposals under the Humanitarian Assistance of the Czech Republic scheme for year 2025. Projects in Iraq are eligible for consideration. The projects proposals of local organizations and local actors in Iraq should be submitted by the end of this month (September 2024) by email to our Embassy in Baghdad (baghdad.commerce@mzv.gov.cz). The sooner you send the form, the better.

There is a simple application form in Czech and in English (whichever you will prefer to use) for your perusal. 

Form for Humanitarian Assistance Proposal (DOCX, 3 KB)

Formulář - námět na humanitární pomoc (DOCX, 14 KB)

The main goal of the Czech humanitarian assistance (around the world) is identical with the global one: saving lives and alleviating suffering of people affected by natural or man-made crisis, including conflict and forced displacement; and to contribute to their fast stabilization and resilience building. In this main framework, the Czech humanitarian assistance in particular focuses on:

  • - fast and efficient response based on needs, our capabilities and international division of labour;
  • - coherence of our humanitarian and development assistance, including through integrated approach to planning, funding and implementation (humanitarian-development-peace nexus);
  • - vulnerability reduction, empowerment and resilience building of local populations and their response capacities (localisation);
  • - contribution to the international efforts related to IHL, with a special focus on humanitarian access to people in need, protection of vulnerable populations and safety of humanitarian workers. 

Among the main thematic priorities of the Czech Humanitarian Aid is Disaster risk reduction (DRR), preparedness and resilience program, on which the Czech Republic focuses within the framework of recovery after disasters and in separate preventive measures in the form of building public systems and capacities as well as educating the public. The topic of DRR is also highlighted in the context of climate change response and in the implementation of the triple nexus. Other thematic priorities extend from the priority areas established in the bilateral development cooperation, namely the focus on access to safe drinking water and sanitation, to health and nutritional care and to sources of livelihood, especially in the field of agriculture, including adaptation to the effects of climate change (especially drought). At the same time, in all the thematic priorities, the Czech Republic usually focuses on particularly vulnerable people - with an emphasis on orphaned children, single parents with children, seniors and people with disabilities. 

You can find out more about the Humanitarian aid strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in 2024 here


Připravil: Ing. Roman Plevák, Ph.D., vedoucí oddělení obchodu a rozvojové spolupráce, Velvyslanectví ČR v Bagdádu



2024 Humanitarian Assistance Strategy 325 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Jan 4, 2024