NGO Caritas Iraq visits our Embassy
24.11.2024 / 16:28 | Aktualizováno: 24.11.2024 / 17:44
On November 24, 2024, representatives of the non-governmental organization Caritas Iraq visited our Embassy. In the past, the NGO Caritas Iraq implemented some projects financed by Czech Aid.
Country Manager Mr. Zeyad Khalaf Rajab informed about the past, current and future activities of Caritas in Iraq. Their very successful project to support youth employment in remote areas is nearing completion. It could grow into a nationwide program in the future (both in Kurdistan and in the rest of the Iraqi Federation). Project helps young people to enter job market. It teaches them, how to apply for jobs, write a resume, and conduct a job interview. Reportedly, over 70% of the participants of this pilot project have already found an employment. According to ILO standards, this pilot project brought better results than similar programs in Jordan or Egypt.
In addition, Caritas implements also projects focused on sustainable agriculture (it aims at employment, food security, and climate change). It raises awareness about the selection of climatically suitable crops and more suitable growing techniques with limited water, etc.
In the subsequent discussion with the Czech Ambassador, possibilities of mutual cooperation were considered.
Připravil: Ing. Roman Plevák, Ph.D., vedoucí oddělení obchodu a rozvojové spolupráce, Velvyslanectví ČR v Bagdádu