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Photo: Roman Plevák
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Ambassador visits the Najaf province

On December 8 and 9, 2024, the Czech Ambassador visited province of Najaf. During this trip, he met (1) the Governor as well as the Chairman and members of the Provincial Council, and the Chamber of Commerce, he also met (2) religious and tribal leaders and representatives of Rafidain Center for Dialogue, and he also visited (3) Hospitals and Office of Public Health and discussed continuation of possible cooperation in the health sector.

From the meetings with the Governor, the Provincial council and the Najaf Chamber of Commerce

The Ambassador held serie of meetings with officials. He met the Governor, Provincial Council and Chamber of Commerce of Najaf province. During these meetings, he discussed possibilities for cooperation between Iraqi and Czech organizations as well as the current development in the province.

meeting Governor of Najaf Yusuf Makki Kanawi

meeting Governor of Najaf Yusuf Makki Kanawi

meeting Provincial Council of Najaf - Chairman Hussein Wahid Al- Issaoui

meeting Provincial Council of Najaf - Chairman Hussein Wahid Al- Issaoui

with Provincial Council members

with Provincial Council members

at the Chamber of Commerce - deputy chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Hamid Lafta Al- Rammahi and Najaf businessmen

at the Chamber of Commerce - deputy chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Hamid Lafta Al- Rammahi and Najaf businessmen


From the meetings with local religious and tribal leaders and from the Rafidain Center for Dialogue 

Ambassador's visit to Najaf province was also an opportunity for serie of meetings with non-governmental actors. It was an opportunity to discuss current issues affecting life in Iraq, developments within society, and opportunities for further cooperation with the Czech Republic. It was also an opportunity to understand traditional values, cultural and other specifics of this province. The Ambassador had the opportunity to learn more about the Rafidain Center for Dialogue, he visited the Kufa Mosque and the Shrine of Imam Ali, talked with religious representatives of the Al-Hakim family and the leaders of the Bani Hassan tribe. 

discussion with ayatollah Jafar Al-Hakim

discussion with ayatollah Jafar Al-Hakim

meeting sheikhs of Bani Hassan

meeting sheikhs of Bani Hassan

after discussions in Rafidain Center for Dialogue

after discussions in Rafidain Center for Dialogue

from the visit to Imam Ali Shrine

from the visit to Imam Ali Shrine

Czech Aid for Iraq in the field of healthcare

On December 6-10, 2024, a training mission of three Czech doctors took place in the city of Najaf in Iraq, funded by the MEDEVAC program of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Visiting doctors were leading specialists from the fields of anesthesiology, gynecology and obstetrics, who held a series of professional lectures for Iraqi doctors and medical staff of Al-Zahraa Teaching Hospital and Burn Center in the city of Najaf. Al-Zahraa Teaching Hospital reportedly performs even 150 births a day. The burn center treats almost 1,000 patients annually. The CzechAid provided equipment for intensive care unit from so called "Tied Donations" program (Vázané peněžní dary CzechAid). Equipment for the maternity ward should be delivered by the end of 2024. Both donations include devices from the Czech manufacturers - members of the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Medical Supplies - AVDZP. 



Ambassador Jan Šnaidauf had an opportunity to open one of the days of professional training of the MEDEVAC team, inspected Czech equipment delivered as part of the Czech Republic's development assistance to Iraq, discussed with hospital directors and with Director of the Public Health Office. Further plans in the development of the helth sector, further needs, and possibilities for cooperation were discussed.

meeting MEDEVAC team at Al-Zahraa Teaching Hospital

meeting MEDEVAC team at Al-Zahraa Teaching Hospital

in discussions with director of Public Health Department

in discussions with director of Public Health Department

from the MEDEVAC training

from the MEDEVAC training


Připravil: Ing. Roman Plevák, Ph.D., vedoucí oddělení obchodu a rozvojové spolupráce, Velvyslanectví ČR v Bagdádu