Photo: ZÚ Ammán

The photo exhibition "Flying Doctors" takes place in Amman, until 22 August 2018

The photo exhibition "Flying Doctors" by a photographer of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic Jiří Pasz, was inaugurated in Amman to present the realization of humanitarian and development projects of the Government of the Czech Republic. The Jordanian Minister of Health, representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as well as local diplomatic corps and representatives of the Jordanian media attended the exhibition launch on 7 August 2018, which was organised by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.

The exhibition presents the progress and results of the help of the Czech doctors, who operate under the Czech medical humanitarian government programme MEDEVAC to assist Syrian refugees and Jordanians who are the most affected by the conflict in the neighbouring Syria. Another part of the exhibition focused on the program of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic for the Assistance to Refugees (Aid in Place), which has been fulfilled for a long time  in Jordan in the largest refugee camps “Zaatari” and “Azraq”.

výstava MEDEVAC

výstava MEDEVAC

In 2017, a total of 14 medical teams under the Czech humanitarian programme MEDEVAC were deployed to Jordan from the Czech Republic to operate on more than thousand Syrian and Jordanian patients. During the first half of this year 9 medical teams have already operated 522 patients. Also in 2017 the Czech financial aid to Azraq refugee camp has reached more than 1.7 million USD, the same amount that has been contributed by the German government with the joint project through the UNHCR.

vystava MEDEVAC

vystava MEDEVAC

The exhibition was relocated on 9 August, to TAJ Mall in Amman in the central/ground floor F1 until 22 August, in order to been presented to the Jordanian public.

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