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Schedule Appointment

This article contains instructions for scheduling appointments to submit visa / residence permit applications. Please pay close attention to these instructions and follow them precisely .




***There is a high demand for visa appointments. We recommend to plan the travel sufficiently in advance.***



To submit a Schengen visa application, contact directly the visa center in Abu Dhabi or in Dubai – choose Abu Dhabi or Dubai according to your place of stay. You can submit your Schengen visa application directly at the Czech Embassy in Abu Dhabi only if you are applying as a family member of an EU citizen or if you are traveling in the interest of the Czech Republic or on humanitarian grounds – in such situations, do contact the consulate using the contacts given here.




1. Send your appointment request to submit a visa / residence permit application to: AbuDhabi.visa@mzv.gov.cz.*

2. State the following in the e-mail subject: full name (as it appears in the passport), type of visa, purpose of travel and passport number.

3. Attach scans of the following documents (in .jpg or .pdf format) to your e-mail: purpose of travel, passport data page and Emirates ID proving that you are staying in the UAE for at least last 2 years .

4. 1 applicant = 1 e-mail. Send one e-mail only. Each e-mail can contain only one appointment request – except when parents request appointment with their minor children (→ parent includes the minor children in the registration) and when family travels together (→ one family member includes the minor children and the husband/wife in the registration).

5. Your e-mail will be registered in a queue in the order received.**

6. Following e-mails will be excluded from the registration: 1) e-mails not sent according to the instructions in point 2, 2) e-mails without attachments in point 3, 3) e-mails containing requests for registration of more than one person – with the exception of e-mails of parents co-registering their minor children or a family member co-registering his/her children and husband/wife, 4) e-mails sent by one applicant more than once, 5) e-mails sent to a different e-mail address than in point 1, 6) e-mails containing attachments exceeding 10 MB.

7. Wait for an e-mail confirmation. The consulate will inform you whether the appointment was granted within one week.

8. Once confirmed, the appointment cannot be rescheduled. If you fail to arrive, you lose your appointment. If you arrive late without notifying us, you lose your appointment as well – the consulate will provide services to those applicants who arrive on time. 

Average waiting time for long-term visa / residence permit appointment: 2-3 weeks (6-8 weeks during the summer season)

Number of long-term visa / residence permit applications accepted weekly: 15

* The AbuDhabi.Visa@mzv.gov.cz e-mail address is dedicated to appointment scheduling only and does not serve for general communication or queries.

** The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Abu Dhabi does not alter the order of registrations. Appointments are scheduled in the order in which the registration e-mail was received, in accordance with the principle of transparency and predictability and based on consulate´s capacity. Do inform us if you cannot keep your appointment. If you do not keep your appointment, reschedule a new one according to the instructions above.




In 2024, appointment registration will take place ON THESE DATES: 1 February (fully booked), 1 May (fully booked), 1 August and 1 November. Registration period always begins at 10:00 and ends 16:00 UAE time.


Read all the information carefully and follow the instructions exactly. 

Number of employee card and long-term visa for seasonal work applications accepted quarterly: 9

The Czech Republic accepts long-term visa a residence permit applications for employment primarily through targeted economic migration programs and applies quotas.  


1. Send your appointment request to submit an employee card application or long-term visa application for seasonal work only on the dates and during the registration period to:  AbuDhabi.Employment@mzv.gov.cz.* E-mails received outside of registration period will be disregarded. We recommend sending the e-mail in the beginning of the registration rather than at the end. 

2. Every applicant can send only 1 e-mail. In case multiple requests are sent, even from multiple e-mail IDs, will be automatically disregarded. Be sure that you uphold all the conditions as any correction will count as a second e-mail.

3. State the following in the e-mail subject: only passport number. Any other information or words in subject line will lead to automatic exclusion of the e-mail.

4. Each e-mail can contain only one appointment request.

5. State the following in the e-mail text
- full name (as it appears in the passport)
- date of birth
- telephone number
- e-mail address 
- the total stay period in the UAE 

6. Attach scans of the following documents (only PDF format) to your e-mail: 
- work contract
- passport data page
- non-UAE nationals: Emirates ID or residence permit proving the continuous stay in the UAE for at least last 2 years unless you are exempt from territorial competence.
E-mails containing extra attachments, incorrect file formats, or links to file share servers will be excluded.

7. Only requests conforming with all of the above mentioned conditions will be evaluated and will enter the automatic draw. 

8. The results will be announced within 1 week after the registration day. The successful applicants will receive the details about the appointment by e-mail. The appointment day will be within the the second half of the month of the registration. 

9. Once the appointment is set it cannot be rescheduled. Be on time, late arrivals cannot be processed.

10. During the application lodging the same documents must be presented as were used for registration. Otherwise the registration is invalid.

Be aware that using an automated systems for mass registration could be evaluated by the anti-spam security system of the mzv.gov.cz domain and declared as spam. Such e-mails are excluded from the registration. The same applies for registration e-mail IDs which are blocking direct reply to the sent e-mail. 

* The AbuDhabi.Employment@mzv.gov.cz e-mail address is dedicated to appointment scheduling only and does not serve for general communication or queries.