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Visegrad 4 gala concert to mark 20 years of European Union membership

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of their joint entry into the European Union, the embassies of the countries of the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland) organized a gala concert on May 2, 2024, presenting the compositions of the most famous authors of classical music who came from this geographical region. In addition to their fundamental influence on the cultural identity of the Visegrad countries and their worldwide musical contribution, these artists were also influenced by each other's work.

The program of the concert, directed by the renowned Albanian composer Professor Aleksander Peçi, featured selected works by Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Fryderyk Chopin, Jan Nepomuk Hummel, Ferenc Liszt, Ignacy Jan Paderewski and Eugene Suchona. The successful concert in the packed Radio Television Sqhiptare concert hall ended with a reproduction of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ode to Joy under the baton of Herbert von Karajan.

Visegrad 4 gala concert

Visegrad 4 gala concert

Visegrad 4 gala concert

Visegrad 4 gala concert

Visegrad 4 gala concert

Visegrad 4 gala concert

Visegrad 4 gala concert

Visegrad 4 gala concert