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Screening of the documentary film "The Treasures of Crimea"

On 17 October 2022, within the Days of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the Council of Europe in collaboration with the European Parliamentary Association (APE) organized a screening of the documentary film "The Treasures of Crimea". Ambassador Petr Válek, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic, and Director Herbert Dorfmann, APE, officially opened the event.

The film was awarded the Václav Havel Jury Special Award at the One World 2022 festival organized by the Czech NGO People in Need and focuses on the legal battle after the Russian annexation of Crimea over the return of the Crimean artefacts on loan in a museum in Amsterdam.

The screening was followed by a debate with invited experts, Dr. Kateryna Busol, a Ukrainian lawyer specializing in human rights, and Ms. Nadia Ivanova, Director of Human Rights, People in Need.


Promítání Krymský poklad

Promítání Krymský poklad