Meeting with graduates of Czech universities


Czech Embassy in Baku organized a meeting with Azerbaijani graduates of Czech universities. The friendly meeting took place at the Embassy on May 27, 2024. 

Photo exhibition "History of Czech Railways"


Czech Embassy in Baku in cooperation with the Azerbaijan Railways organized a photographic exhibition of the well-known photographer Mr. Aydin Sadikhov "History of the Czech Railways". The exhibition was held in the beautifully renovated… 

Tree planting in the Lankaran region


This April, the staff of the Czech Embassy in Baku took part in the – we can already say traditional - tree planting in the Haftoni forestry area near Hirkan National Park. The event was organized in cooperation of the Embassy with the… 

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine


Two years ago, Vladimir Putin launched a massive neo-colonial war against Ukraine, however, Russia's aggression has been going on for 10 years - since 2014, when its army annexed Crimea and sparked the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia's…