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Lithographs of Oldřich Jelen in Abuja

From 20 to 27 October 2015 Abuja residents could visit the third edition of the exhibition The Art of Friendship III. Czech Embassy presented here ten lithographs by the prominent artist Oldřich Jelen.



Project The Art of Friendship stands on the partnership of embassies from different continents and Nigerian National Gallery of Art. This year embassies of China, South Korea, Germany and the Czech Republic finally participated. As far as the type of art presented, involved countries got complete freedom. Germany offered woodcarvings, China brought painted porcelain, South Korea added traditional painting, Nigeria offered from its art collections oil paintings, as well as metal and wooden sculptures and Czech Republic presented lithographs by Oldřich Jelen.  Opening ceremony itself was held in the newly built exhibition pavilion of the FCT Abuja. During the week exhibition was attended by school excursions. Czech Ambassador Pavel Mikes came to discuss with one of them about the Czech section of the exhibition.

Oldřich Jelen's art works can be viewed here:


Art of Friendship